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Animal Health Services


Phone (480) 488-6181
Fax (480) 488-6176 - Fax
Address 37555 N. Cave Creek Rd,
Cave Creek, AZ 85331 United States


A dermatological maintenance and treatment center for pets. We offer Canine and Feline Therapeutic Spa for skin and coat as well as professional Grooming, including unique services such as a no muzzle environment, fear recovery, chronic allergy and skin disorder management, hand stripping, braiding, pet friends with special needs, coat recovery, coloring and artistic styling.

Join Our Team

Unique opportunities are available at every skill level. Advancement opportunities and training are available for the groomer who strives for excellence and respect. Your enthusiasm, ability to work with others and a true passion for the art of pet styling are expected and required.

Advanced stylists are offered certification training and an option to apprentice into the field of Pet Aesthetician. Learn how to treat various skin and coat disorders by working directly with veterinarians to improve the quality of life for those pets with problems. Behavior management and animal handling are essential skills, as our Spa does not use any form of muzzling.
Contact Michelle Knowles, Spa Director and Certified Pet Aesthetician. 480-488-6181 or [email protected]

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