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Suds N Bubbles Grooming Salon

5 5 1 2 Review(s)


Phone (715) 298-9667
Address 1310 Cherry Street,
Wausau, WI 54401 United States


Dog Grooming, Cat grooming, Boarding

Reviews for Suds N Bubbles Grooming Salon

2 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Suds N Bubbles Grooming Salon

    wonderful caregiver/groomer

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Whitney is a wonderful caregiver/groomer. My Scottish terrier Pebbles was groomed by her on July 4th (Yes she worked on a holiday.) Whiteys shop is sparse and you can tell her business is still rather new but, the care she gives to her clients and their people is TOP NOTCH. Whitney is offering INCREDIBLE prices for her services to grow her business. I look forward to taking my baby there again and again and watching Whitneys business grow. Thanks Whitney!”

  • Suds N Bubbles Grooming Salon

    Difficult to Groom

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “We took our rescued Bichon to Whitney last December for a 3-day stay and full grooming. Maggie was a breeder and had never been a pet. She had numerous quirks and was a very difficult dog to groom. Whitney did a fantastic job and we will go there and only there next time.”

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